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Building/Enabling a Scalable Real time streaming platform with AWS

By Andrew Li, Senior Consultant, Sydney

Ticketek (TEG) is one of the market leaders in helping join the entertainment industry with customers, to create lasting memories.

A key differentiator in their approach is being a truly digital company first, enabling data and analytics to help shape the customer experience. In this case study, we’ll explore the solution powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) to see how TEG services thousands of experiences in real-time.

The problem

One of the biggest challenges of a digital ticketing platform is volume. To make it even more complicated, the pattern for purchasing tickets to a popular event with limited tickets results in a large influx of customers in a short time.

TEG have seen volumes of up to 10,000 people each minute, purchasing tickets for a single show.

In order to create a seamless customer experience, a low latency platform is needed. The ability to notify event goers of sudden changes in weather conditions at outdoor venues or just being able to share tickets instantly with your friends can make all the difference.
TEG operates across markets including Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand. While each platform operates independently of each other – the ability to deploy automatically into other regions is key as TEG expands to serve an ever-growing customer base.

The solution

In order to analyse all the incoming data with scalable, low latency real-time data platform is needed. Building that platform with AWS services means that the solution can scale up or down to meet demands reactively or proactively. Amazon Kinesis, Lambda, and Simple Storage Service (s3) are the key building blocks in getting high loads of data transformed and into storage as quickly as possible. Each logical streaming object has an individual instance of these products to maximise performance and scalability without impacting other portions of the system.

With Amazon Kinesis the ability to ingest and stream data cost effectively at scale becomes available. By unifying all the data at once, TEG can understand user experience instantly and support accordingly.

To help make sense of all the data streaming in, Amazon Lambda provides support by transforming the data to support analytics. Lambda is a serverless compute service, providing the horsepower to go from zero to any capacity you need, without any management, all while costing per compute time consumed.

Finally, s3 provides a simple to use storage layer that automatically scales, has high availability and is secure. It provides a solid performant layer that allows for any further analytics to take place.

Business Impact

With a high performance, real-time data analytics platform in place, TEG has the ability to:

  • Absorb and process sudden spikes in transactions
  • Optimise infrastructure cost based on traffic
  • Isolate and scale out portions of the platform without impacting
    other components
  • Automatically deploy

With its pay as you go pricing model and fluid scaling, Amazon Web Services has enabled modern, flexible, and cost-efficient tooling for TEG. Ultimately, it comes down to the technology that will help our clients achieve their goals in the most effective path possible – it just so happens the AWS ecosystem has a lot of tools in their toolkit.

Click here to read how Altis helped TEG implement a scalable real-time streaming platform with AWS.


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