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Paths to Insights

Webinar: The Paths To Insight

By Abhishek Kookana – Senior Consultant, Matthew De Maria – Senior Consultant & Andrew Bilsdon – Delivery Lead

In the data and analytics industry, we often promise the delivery of “Actionable Insights”. This webinar focuses on the different pathways and approaches that you can take to generate these insights and the potential benefits of each approach.

The four main paths to generating actionable insights discussed within this webinar are:

  • Stumble
  • Theorise
  • Discovery Analytics
  • Brute Force

The stumble path is as it sounds; sometimes simple data exploration can lead to the discovery of a key piece of information in your data and it simply relies on your capacity to recognise its value when it appears.

The theorise approach leverages a mixture of creativity with a deep understanding of the data available. The crux of the theorise approach is to undertake an intentional examination of your data using the deep level of understanding that the business or the developer may have to try to find outcomes that are already suspected to be there.

The discovery analytics approach discusses potential tools and techniques that can be used when you don’t necessarily have an understanding of where the value in your data lies. This is in direct comparison to the theorise approach and utilises broader techniques that allow you to explore your data without the necessity of a pre-established goal or area of investigation.

Lastly, the brute force approach leverages all of the data science and analytical techniques available in more of an experimental way, to try to not only discover whether the data contains value but to potentially form the basis for further investigation. This is the approach that can be taken to potentially generate theories to further investigate or inform which discovery analytics methods are most appropriate to use.

Join us as we discuss in more depth the paths that can be taken to discover actionable insights.



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